Stewards Report

Redcliffe 17/07/2024

Redcliffe Harness

Date: Wednesday, 17 July 2024

Track: Good

Weather: Fine

Stewards Panel: J. Cremin (Chair), N. Torpey, L. Bahr, D. Trindall.  

Officials: Dr. B. Morris (Veterinarian), A. Rayward (Judge), B. Wilson (Assistant Judge), J. Suli (Starter, Horse Identification), J. Petersen (Assistant Starter, Gear Check), A. Challen (Swab Official).


Flo Ryda NZ – After settling in a one-out, one-back position, was restrained to a position to third horse on the inside line near the 1700m. Broke when being restrained near the 200m.

Rock Of Delight – Checked and broke stride near the 1600m.

Offyarocka Crocker – After settling in a one-out, two-back position, was shifted down to the inside line near the 1700m. Momentarily raced in the sprint lane, before breaking for a few strides when being restrained to a position in the inside running line.

Pyrrhic Dancer – Worked forward three-wide from the start, before shifting down to a one-out, one-back position near the 1700m.

General - Stewards inquired into the reason for Offyarocka Crocker (N. Dawson) racing in the sprint lane when racing to the inside of Flo Ryda NZ near the 1700m. After questioning drivers Nathan Dawson and Jack Chapple, and on stewards’ observations, Stewards were of the view that there was not room for Mr Chapple (Flo Ryda NZ) to shift down to the inside line, without being clear or Mr Dawson’s (Offyarocka Crocker) extended front legs. Subsequently Jack Chapple pleaded guilty to the contravention of AHR Rule 168(1)(a), to a minor charge of carelessness, and was fined the sum of $100.

As a result of Offyarocka Crocker being restrained near the 1600m, the gelding broke for a few strides. Rock Of Delight, which was following, was then checked and broke for a few strides. Due to mitigating circumstances, no action was taken against either horse.

Stewards further inquired into the reason Flo Ryda NZ (J. Chapple) breaking near the 250m.  It was unclear whether there was sufficient room for a clear run through to the inside of the preceding runner. Stewards found no blame could be attributed to any one driver, therefore took no further action.


Prince Joy – Led early, withstood a short challenge for the lead, before surrendering the lead near the 1450m.

Art On Fire NZ – Challenged unsuccessfully for the lead after the start, before being restrained to a trailing position near the 1650m.

Madame West – Worked forward three-wide from the start, before reaching the position outside the leader near the 1650m.

Lord Memnock - Worked forward four-wide from the start, before initially shifting down to a three-wide position near the 1650m and then pressing forward to the lead near the 1450m.

Roll One Over– Late driving change approved.

Glenledi Commander NZ – Shifted out three-wide from the rear of the field near the 1200m, before reaching the position outside the leader near the 1000m.

General – Due to driver Melissa Kendall experiencing traffic difficulties, Bryse McElhinney was permitted by the stewards to drive Roll One Over. All relevant contacts were notified, and an announcement was made over the on-course PA system.


Music Moth – Held up and untested in the run to the finish.

Pago Pago – Shifted out three-wide from a rearward trailing position near the 1200m making a short forward move before being restrained to the tail of the field.

Illbewatching - Showed gate speed, unsuccessfully challenging for the lead, before racing outside the leader. Restrained to take a trail near the 1100m.

Magicol Ideal NZ– Showed gate speed, caught wide into the first turn before pressing forward and reaching the lead near the 1300m.

Teddy Turpin – Shifted out from a mid-field inside position, to the position outside the leader near the 1100m.

Miss Bay King Cole – Raced roughly at various stages of the race.


Torque In Control – Withstood a strong early challenge for the lead.

Our Dolly – After settling one-out, one-back, shifted out near the 1400m to move to the position outside the leader before being restrained for a trail near the 1200m.

One Chain Road - Strongly challenged for the lead into the first turn, before restraining for a trail near the 1400m.

Treacherous Gabby – Worked forward three-wide from the start, before moving to the position outside the leader near the 1200m.

Beach On Fire – Raced roughly near the 500m. After appearing to race roughly, was examined by the on-course veterinarian, who reported no significant findings.

Race 5 – HUSTLER SUPER X PACE    1780M

Justrollingaround – Led early before restraining for a trail near the 1450m.

Skygirl – Worked forward at the start to the position outside the leader, before running to the front near the 1450m, then surrendering the lead near the 1200m.

Im Boo NZ – Worked forward three-wide from the start, before progressing to the front near the 1200m.

Monterey Jack NZ - In accordance with the QRIC aged horse guidelines, was inspected by the on-course veterinarian before and after the event, with no abnormalities reported.


Torque Writers- Broke causing a false start on the first occasion. In accordance with QRIC guidelines, will be placed out of the draw for two consecutive satisfactory mobile starts.

After being slowly away, shifted out to work forward to the position outside the leader near the 1700m. 

My Ultimate Rudi- Broke free of interference near the 450m. Under QRIC guidelines, will be placed on its last chance to race truly. 

Typhoon Torque – After showing gate speed, worked to the position outside the leader early, before restraining for a trail near the 1700m.

Lancelot Bromac NZ - In accordance with the QRIC aged horse guidelines, was inspected by the veterinarian before and after the event, with no abnormalities reported.


My Girl Blaze – Led early before surrendering the lead near the 1700m. Gave ground over the concluding stages.

Chanceless Century – Worked forward from the start to run to the lead near the 1700m.

The Blue Wren – Showed gate speed, racing three-wide around the first turn before settling outside the leader near the 1700m. Gained a trail behind Candykane near the 1200m. Gave ground over the concluding stages.

Night Shadow – Checked off the rear of the preceding sulky when the pace slackened near the 1200m. 

Candykane – Worked forward three wide from a two wide position at the rear of the field from near the 1500m, before reaching the position outside the leader near the 1200m.


Punters Jewel – Withstood a challenge for the lead before restraining for a trail near the 1400m.

Major Tralee – After an initial unsuccessful challenge for the lead, worked to the front near the 1400m.

Tulhurst Smoocher – Locked wheels with another runner entering the home straight on the final occasion.

Boak – After restraining early, racing win a rearward inside position, then pulling hard, gave ground to be beaten 146m. After a veterinary examination, it was reported that the gelding showed signs of having choked down. Connections were advised the gelding would be stood down pending a satisfactory trial.

Blackjack Beth – Broke momentarily near the 200m when running up onto a tiring runner.

Shortly afterwards, locked wheels with another runner when racing in restricted room.

Torque Onetwothree - Galloped at the 500m.

General – Stewards inquired into an incident near the 500m, where Torque Onetwothree (Brendan Barnes) broke when racing to the outside of Punters Jewel (Trent Moffat).After considering evidence put forward by both drivers, viewing video evidence and stewards’ observations, driver Trent Moffat was charged under AHR Rule 163(1)(a)(iii), which reads – A driver shall not cause or contribute to any interference.

After Mr Moffat pleaded guilty to the charge, and after taking submissions on penalty, his driving licence was suspended for a period of nine days, starting from midnight, Thursday, July 18th, and finishing midnight, Saturday, July 27th, allowing him to resume driving on Sunday, July 28th.

In considering penalty, stewards took into account Mr Moffat’s guilty plea, forthright evidence and exemplary record relating to this charge in the past. Mr Moffat was advised of his right to appeal.

Stewards inquired into an incident entering the home straight on the final occasion, where Tulhurst Smoocher and Blackjack Beth locked wheels, severely inconveniencing both.

After questioning drivers Jordan Topping (Tulhurst Smoocher), Jack Chapple (Blackjack Beth), and Ben Battle (Dixiedolittle), stewards considered the incident cause by Dixiedolittle shifting downs the track as Blackjack Beth was shifting up the track to the same position. Stewards could not attribute total blame to any one particular driver, and therefore no further action other than to note the circumstances.


Ambers Allstar – Broke during the score up, and was out of position at the start, before taking no competitive part.Connections were advised the mare would be placed out of the draw for two consecutive satisfactory mobile starts, in compliance with QRIC requirements.

Poetic Reason – Raced midfield on the inside, before giving ground over the concluding stages.

Shemozzle – Caught wide early, before being restrained to the rear of the field near the 1300m. Gave ground over the concluding stages.

Race 10 - BURWOOD STUD 1 WIN PACE  1780M

Come On Tascott – After racing one-out, one-back throughout the race, gave ground over the concluding stages, to be beaten 82 metres. Connections were advised the mare would be placed on its last chance to race competitively.

Swabs samples taken for analysis.


R2 #3 Art On Fire NZ

R3 #9 Artistic Saint

R5 #1 Sammys secret

R6 #4 My Ultimate Rudi

R7 #7 Crime Boss

R8 #1 Punters Jewel


All winners.

Race day Summary.

Scratchings –


Licensee Actions

R1 - Jack Chapple – Careless cause tightening - Fined $100, AHR Rule 168(1)(a).

R8 – Trent Moffat – Careless cause interference - 9 day suspension of drivers licence, AHR Rule 163(1)(a)(iii).

Animal Actions

R6 – Torque Writer – ODM

R8 – Boak – SD1T

R9 – Ambers Allstar - ODM

The matters contained within this Stewards report may be subject to external review.  The Racing Appeals Panel manages external reviews, and the Racing Appeals Panel publishes its decisions on its website.
This report and the Stewards Comments for this meeting may be amended at any time, at the sole discretion of the Queensland Racing Integrity Commission (QRIC) Stewards as races are reviewed.

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