Stewards Report

Penrith 04/07/2024







B Day (Chairman), C Paul & N Moy


T Clarke


Dr A Argyle

Swab Official

J Quon








MERRYWOOD PAUL– Post-race swab sample.

TEAM OF STARZZZ– Underwent a pre and post-race veterinary examination due to the gelding having started in more than 200 races. These examinations did not reveal any significant findings.

SILENT REACTION– Over raced during the early and middle stages.

SIR KNIGHT– Trainer KerryAnn Morris was reprimanded under Rule 41(1) for failing to have the gelding present in the stabling area by the prescribed time. Driver Josh Gallagher was questioned in regard to the performance of the gelding which finished in 7th placing beaten 17 metres ($3.20 fav). Mr Gallagher explained in his opinion SIR KNIGHT is best driven as conservatively as possible and was not suited to improving 3 wide rounding the final turn. Mr Gallagher further added SIR KNIGHT is also not entirely suited over the longer distance of 2125 metres. A post-race veterinary examination of SIR KNIGHT failed to reveal any significant findings.

CAPITALLEE– Pre-race blood sample. Driver Lucas Rando was fined $100 under Rule 170(1)(a) in that shortly after passing the 200 metres he permitted his left foot to drop from the foot rest.

BETTOR TO BE TRICKY NZ– Underwent pre and post-race veterinary examinations due to the gelding having started in more than 200 races. These examinations did not reveal any significant findings. Sustained a flat tyre passing the 300 metres.

LOCHART SHARD NZ– Stewards inquired into the reasons for LOCHART SHARD NZ being tightened and pacing roughly passing the 300 metres. After taking evidence from drivers Bailey McDonough (LOCHART SHARD NZ), Chloe Formosa (BETTOR TO BE TRICKY NZ) and review of the available replays, it was established that passing the 500 metres Ms Formosa directed BETTOR TO BE TRICKY NZ in simultaneous to LOCHART SHARD NZ improving to her inside where as a consequence as the runners entered the final turn LOCHART SHARD NZ was tightened, contacted marker pegs and paced roughly. Upon consideration of all the circumstances, Stewards could not apportion blame to any one driver and accordingly took the matter no further.


RACE 2 – TAB VENUE MODE PACE – 1720 metres

JOGALONG BLUE– Paced roughly momentarily passing the 1600 metres.

OUR GOAT– Pre-race blood sample. Broke for a short distance during the initial stages of the score up. Post-race swab sample.

TIMELY SOVEREIGN– Underwent pre and post-race veterinary examinations due to the gelding having started in more than 200 races. These examinations did not reveal any significant findings.

RADIANT AMBER– Held up rounding the home turn and in the early part of the straight.



ACCELERE NZ– Driver Lucas Rando was questioned about the tactics adopted on the gelding and the instructions issued. Mr Rando explained the instructions were to lead if possible as previously ACCELERE NZ has performed best when able to do so. Mr Rando added after securing the lead he attempted to record a slow speed as he was mindful CLEMENTSORRELL was positioned immediately behind him who he felt was his most likely danger. Mr Rando added as a result of being able to record a slow first half (64.8 seconds) he was able to ensure CLEMENTSORRELL did not obtain clear running over the concluding stages. Mr Rando was advised his explanation would be recorded for future reference, if required, and that all wagering on this event would be analysed. Post-race swab sample.

FIFTYSHADES CRESCO– Trainer/Driver Brian Portelli was questioned regarding the tactics adopted on the mare, in particular the reasons for FIFTYSHADES CRESCO not being driven forward at the start and also the level of vigour he employed inside the final 200 metres. Mr Portelli explained he elected not to contest the lead immediately as the start was effected as he did not feel FIFTYHADES CRESCO would possess sufficient early gate speed to be able to cross ACCELERE NZ which was drawn immediately to his inside. Mr Portelli further added that at the most recent occasion (Bankstown 27 May 2024) FIFTYSHADES CRESCO had led the mare performed disappointingly and was beaten a significant distance (72 metres) and was subsequently stood down from racing as a consequence which further influenced his decision to not contest the early lead. Mr Portelli explained regarding his vigour inside the final 200 metres that FIFTYSHADES CRESCO had hung in rounding the final turn and continued to hang in shortly after straightening and upon the mare becoming more balanced he then commenced to drive FIFTYSHADES CRESCO with vigour where the mare made ground relative to the winner of the event ACCELERE NZ. Mr Portelli was advised his explanation would be recorded for future reference, if required, and that all wagering on this event would be analysed.

BE MY ROCK– Over raced during the middle stages.

SARGE– Held up inside the final 200 metres.

HIGHVIEW SADLER– Underwent pre and post-race veterinary examinations due to the gelding having started in more than 200 races. These examinations did not reveal any significant findings.

REIGN MAKER– Driver Jim Douglass was questioned regarding the tactics adopted on the gelding in particular as to whether consideration was given to applying pressure to the leader ACCELERE NZ, the stable mate of REIGN MAKER, during the middle stages when the speed of the event was slow. Mr Douglass explained he was issued no firm instructions, however REIGN MAKER has a versatile racing pattern and he felt once the majority of runners to his inside did not show significant early speed he followed the forward movement of HIGHVIEW SADLER NZ 3 wide rounding the first turn when the opportunity presented. Mr Douglass added whilst the speed of the event was slow during the early and middle stages (first half 64.8 seconds) he did not feel it would be in the best interest of REIGN MAKER to apply pressure to the leader ACCELERE NZ as previously REIGN MAKER has not performed in an overly competitive fashion when positioned outside the leader without cover when the speed of the event has been genuine. Mr Douglass explained he was of the view ACCELERE NZ which was leading the event lacked high speed and he felt his opportunity to beat that runner may have been to outsprint it to the finish as opposed to outstaying it. Mr Douglass was advised his explanation would be recorded for future reference, if required, and that all wagering on this event would be analysed.

CLEMENTSORRELL– Underwent pre and post-race veterinary examinations due to the gelding having started in more than 200 races. These examinations did not reveal any significant findings. Held up inside the final 200 metres.

RUM DELIGHT NZ– Underwent pre and post-race veterinary examinations due to the gelding having started in more than 200 races. These examinations did not reveal any significant findings. Held up inside the final 200 metres.

ULTIMATE AD– Underwent pre and post-race veterinary examinations due to the gelding having started in more than 200 races. These examinations did not reveal any significant findings. Held up inside the final 200 metres.

DESIDERIO– Pre-race blood sample. Driver Zara Fitzpatrick was questioned regarding the tactics adopted on the gelding and the instructions issued. Ms Fitzpatrick advised she was instructed to drive the gelding conservatively as DESIDERIO was first up since 27 May 2024.  Ms Fitzpatrick added that passing the 1600 metres, when positioned at the rear of the field, she was aware there were a number of runners progressing 3 wide and for this reason she elected to occupy the position on the marker pegs as she felt should she occupy the position in the 2 wide line DESIDERIO would be shuffled further back. Ms Fitzpatrick further explained that due to the speed in the event being very slow in the middle stages it made it increasingly difficult for DESIDERIO to make ground when wide rounding the final turn.



GOLLY GEE FELLAS– Trainer Rickie Alchin was fined $50 under Rule 268A(1) for failing to have a gear form lodged for the filly. Broke shortly after the start and will be placed outside the draw in future mobile start events.

ULTIMATE TROUBLE– Held up inside the final 200 metres.

MIZZZ ADELE– Hung in under pressure rounding the final turn.

CRACKABRIE NZ– Checked shortly after the start as a result of GOLLY GEE FELLAS breaking gait.

THE BEST OF YOU NZ– Pre-race blood sample. Checked shortly after the start as a result of GOLLY GEE FELLAS breaking gait. Post-race blood sample.

PLAYFUL MISS– Held up inside the final 200 metres. Chloe Formosa was approved as a late driving replacement due to the declared driver Jack Brown encountering transport difficulties enroute to course.

HAWK EYE- Checked shortly after the start as a result of GOLLY GEE FELLAS breaking gait.

SWEET CHAPY LOU- Checked shortly after the start as a result of GOLLY GEE FELLAS breaking gait.



IDEAL MARQUESS– Pre-race blood sample. Held up inside the final 200 metres.

JILLIBY ADORE– Post-race swab sample.

CAULONIA COURAGE– Held up inside the final 200 metres.

SIR SIMON– Held up inside the final 200 metres.



DEEBO– Declared at late scratching at 10.39am by order of Stewards.

MERRYWOOD TONY– Pre-race blood sample. Post-race swab sample.

BELL RIVERKID– Driver Cameron Hart was questioned regarding the performance of the gelding which finished in 9th placing beaten 16 metres. Mr Hart explained BELL RIVERKID hung in badly rounding the final turn and as a consequence the gelding lost ground. A post-race veterinary examination of BELL RIVERKID revealed the gelding to be mildly lame in the right foreleg, however no stand down was recommended.

RIP JACKSON– Held up inside the final 200 metres.



ROYAL VINCENT– Pre-race blood sample. Post-race swab sample.

WHERESTHEBOY– Inconvenienced rounding the final turn when held up behind CARIBBEAN RUNA which commenced to tire.

CARIBBEAN RUNA– Driver Bailey McDonough was questioned regarding the performance of the mare which finished in 10th and last placing beaten 33 metres ($8.80). Mr McDonough explained CARIBBEAN RUNA travelled well throughout however when placed under pressure at the 600 metres onwards proved most disappointing. A post-race veterinary examination of CARIBBEAN RUNA failed to reveal any significant findings. Given the overall performance a warning was issued.

COLLECTIVE WORKS– Trainer Rickie Alchin was fined $50 under Rule 268A(1) for failing to have a gear form lodged.

BETTINE– Shifted out under pressure inside the final 150 metres.

GOTTADOBETTOR– Driver Brian Portelli requested to view the available replays of the concluding stages prior to the declaration of all clear in relation to BETTINE shifting out inside the final 200 metres. Upon review Mr Portelli declined to lodge a protest, Stewards were similarly satisfied and the all clear was given. Inconvenienced approaching the 100 metres when BETTINE shifted out under pressure.



ZENALOU– Pre-race blood sample. Trainer KerryAnn Morris was fined $50 under Rule 268A(1) for failing to have a gear form lodged for the filly. Mrs Morris was further fined $50 under Rule 210 for failing to declare Josh Gallagher as the driver of the filly by the prescribed time. Post-race swab sample.

MERRYWOOD MARY– Declared a late scratching at 10.09am acting on veterinary advice.

SAPPHIRESNDIAMONDS– Hung in at various stages.


Supplementary Report


Driver Lucas Rando pleaded guilty to a charge under Rule 159B(1) for failing to wear a protective vest when driving trackwork at Menangle on 3 July 2024. In assessing penalty, Stewards took into account Mr Rando’s guilty plea, the circumstances of the rule breach and his recent offence record which displayed a prior breach on 3 June 2024. Stewards accordingly imposed a fine of $350.


Driver Declan Murphy pleaded guilty to a charge under Rule 159B(1) for failing to wear a protective vest when driving trackwork at Menangle on 3 July 2024. In assessing penalty, Stewards took into account Mr Murphy’s guilty plea, the circumstances of the rule breach and his recent offence record which displayed a prior breach on 3 June 2024. Stewards accordingly imposed a fine of $350.


Driver Chloe Formosa pleaded guilty to a charge under Rule 159B(1) for failing to wear a protective vest when driving trackwork at Menangle on 3 July 2024. In assessing penalty, Stewards took into account Ms Formosa’s guilty plea, the circumstances of the rule breach and her clear offence record. Stewards accordingly imposed a fine of $250.  Ms Formosa was further reprimanded under Rule 209 in relation to the initial evidence she provided to Stewards.








Race 1 – KerryAnn Morris – Rule 41(1) – SIR KNIGHT

Menangle trackwork 3 July 2024 – Chloe Formosa – Rule 209


Race 1 – Lucas Rando – Rule 170(1)(a) - $100 – CAPITALLEE

Race 3 – Simon Bigeni Jnr – Rule 210 - $50 – SARGE

Race 4 – Rickie Alchin – Rule 268A(1) – $50 - GOLLY GEE FELLAS

Race 7 – Rickie Alchin – Rule 268A(1) – $50 - COLLECTIVE WORKS

Race 8 – KerryAnn Morris – Rule 268A(1) - $50 – ZENALOU

Race 8 – KerryAnn Morris – Rule 210 - $50 – ZENALOU

Menangle trackwork 3 July 2024

Declan Murphy – Rule 159B(1) - $350

Lucas Rando – Rule 159B(1) - $350

Chloe Formosa – Rue 159B(1) - $250



Barrier Information


Trials/Stand Down


Late Scratchings

Race 6 – DEEBO – 10.39am – Order of Stewards

Race 8 – MERRYWOOD MARY - $330 & 28 days – 10.09am vets advice

Adjourned Inquiries


Medical Clearance


Follow up’s


  Queensland Racing Integrity Commission Tas Racing Racing and Wagering Western Australia Harness Racing Victoria Harness Racing South Australia Racing Queensland Harness Racing NSW Harness Racing Australia