Stewards Report

Bathurst 03/07/2024







M Ross (Chairman), M Jasprizza & T Quick


N Moy


Dr G Liebich






RACE 1 –THE TAB APP PACE – 2260 metres 

OHANA DANCER – Hung outwards marginally inside the final 100m locking wheels withCAPTAIN OF SPEED.

GABBYS SPORTSTAR – Underwent pre and post-race veterinary examinations due to the gelding having started in excess of 200 races. Neither examination revealed any significant abnormalities. 

HOOKED ON WINNING NZ – ($4.80)Pre-race swab. Driver Jason Turnbull was queried into the tactics adopted upon the gelding in particular from the 500m and if he gave consideration to direct the gelding wider to improve into the event prior to attempting to improve inside of runners resulting in the gelding being held up until the 100m when obtaining clear running to finish in in 4th position beaten 4.3m. Mr Turnbull explained after obtaining a good position during the early stages of the event the gelding was positioned further back then he desired after multiple moves in the event. Mr Turnbull advised he felt it would be detrimental to his chances if was attempt to improve three (3) wide passing the 500m as HOOKED ON WINNING NZ was rising in class to recent performances and would not be able to sustain such a run to the finish as he feels the gelding only possess limited sprint of a maximum of 300m & is of the opinion that the gelding is best driven when able to be held upwithin the geldings desired range. Mr Turnbull added after passing the 500m he did not feel GABBYS SPORTSTARwhich was in advance of him was not a suitable runner that would bring him into the event as he was of the opinion that multiple runners ahead of GABBYS SPORTSTARwould be directed widerand he would be required to improve the extreme outside to improve forward much sooner than reaching the 300m therefore elected to save ground and progress to the inside of GABBYS SPORTSTAR & other runners which would shift outwards however when runners in advanced of GABBYS SPORTSTAR did not shift outwards he was held up and was unable to direct wider onto the back of GABBYS SPORTSTAR without causing interference to HYDEEHO NZ which had progressed into the trailing that runner. Mr Turnbull advised he continued to persist for an inside run of GABBYS SPORTSTAR approaching the 300m as he had improved inside the sulky wheels of GABBYS SPORTSTARas hedid not feel he would be able to restrained HOOKED ON WINNING NZ and redirect the gelding wider on the track. Mr Turnbull advised upon viewing the replays he may have been better severed in attempting to direct the gelding wider at that point of the event prior committing for a run when advancing inside the sulky wheels of GABBYS SPORTSTAR. Upon consideration of the matter Stewards did not feel the tactics adopted by Mr Turnbull were entirely unreasonable or unacceptable so as to be in breach of the rules as the gelding had been driven in similar circumstances prior however advised him that he erred in his tactics in not attempting to trail up behind GABBYS SPORTSTAR passing the 500m when that runner improved forward three (3) wide and he erred not attempting to not restrain and direct the gelding wider approaching the 300m which would afforded him a clear run. A post-race veterinary examination failed to reveal any abnormalities.  

CAPTAIN OF SPEED – Locked wheels withOHANA DANCERwhen that runner hung outwards marginally inside the final 100m. 

ZEN MASTER –Pulled hard during the early & middle stages of the event. 

HYDEEHO NZ – Post-race swab. 

A DUSTY DANCE – Held up during the early stages of the home straight prior to obtaining clear running. 


BEER MONEY – Pre-race swab. Inconvenienced and held up passing the 400m when PRINCE LOUIEcommenced to yield ground. 

PRINCE LOUIE – (12.00) Driver Lleyton Green was queried into the tactics adopted upon the gelding in particular after obtaining the lead approaching the 1300m and if he gave consideration to surrender the lead when significantly challenged by MAJOR ENVY NZfrom that point to approaching the 1000m after a recording a first quarter of 27.3 seconds & the overall performance of the gelding which yielded ground from the 400m to finish in 10th and last position beaten 45.4m. Mr Green advised he was instructed to lead on the gelding if possible as the gelding appears to perform best when able too. Mr Green advised he did not give consideration to surrender the lead as he was able to obtain the lead without significant use of the gelding during the early stages of the event. Mr Green explained PRINCE LOUIE is a somewhat difficult horse to drive & is hard to restrain as the gelding resents and becomes fierce in its own racing manners which the gelding was commencing to do so when challenged by MAJOR ENVY NZ which Mr Green explained if he was to surrender it would be to PRINCE LOUIE detriment as the gelding is best driven when able to bold freely which the gelding did so at its most recent start at Bathurst 26th June and on 9th May 2024 at Penrith where PRINCE LOUIE took charge and completed the first half in 56.3 seconds. Mr Green advised the stable had undertaken multiple gear alterations to attempt to settle the geldings racing manners. Mr Green advised PRINCE LOUIE provided to be extremely disappointing and was at a loss to explain the below performance of the gelding as he expected PRINCE LOUIE to highly competitive in the event. Upon consideration of the matter Stewards advised Mr Green he could have shown greater effort in attempting to give the gelding some respite after a quick first quarter and due to the geldings own racing manners which he explained it could not retained PRINCE LOUIE would now be stood down from racing until trialling to the satisfaction of stewards on one (1) occasion. A post-race veterinary examination failed to reveal any abnormalities.  

ALWAYSBMYPONY – Post-race swab.

MAJOR ENVY NZ –($1.50 Fav) Driver Amanda Turnbull was queried into the tactics adopted upon the filly in particular her decision to challenge for the lead from approaching the 1200m to the 1000m and the overall performance of the filly which finished in 8th position beaten 20.1m. Ms Turnbull explained after showing initial gate speed MAJOR ENVY NZ had gain a advantaged over runners entering the first turn however the filly commenced to hang inwards and race roughly momentarily and could not be shifted down the track without causing interference. Therefore she took hold of the filly to become fluent in its gait and progress forward. Ms Turnbull advised once obtaining the position outside PRINCE LOUIEpassing the 1300m she elected to challenge for the lead as in her opinionPRINCE LOUIEwas rising up in grade compared to MAJOR ENVY NZ who had been racing stronger opposition.Ms Turnbull added when challenging for the lead she felt the driver ofPRINCE LOUIEwas taking hold and she would be able to work forward to the lead, however after strongly challenging for the position Ms Turnbull became aware the position was not available and took hold of MAJOR ENVY NZ approaching the 1000mto allow the filly some respite. Ms Turnbull added she was satisfiedin the overall performance as the filly only weaken inside the final 100m after enduring more work than expected. Upon consideration of the matter Stewards felt the tactics adopted were not unreasonable in the circumstance and the distance challenged stewards took the matter no further.  A post-race veterinary examination failed to reveal any abnormalities.   

TAMANISHA TERROR –Held up during the early stages of the home straight prior to obtaining clear running.

RACE 3 – EQUISSAGE PACE – 1730 metres

YES YOU MAY – Post-race swab.

CARBAGANOOSH – Pre-race swab.

BELL RIVER BOY –Hung inwards under pressure despite the efforts of its driver. 

RACE 4 – RELIANCE BANK PACE – 1730 metre 

RACING TIME – Pre-race swab & Post-race swab.

SMOOTH BUZZ – Hung inwards at various stages of the event.

BERTIE JONES NZ – Pulled hard during the early & middle stages of the event.


SAVEEON – Broke gait during the middle stages of the score up and was out of position when the start was effected. A warning was issued against the barrier manners of SAVEEON. 

JAYJAYBENNY – ($23.00) Driver Nathan Turnbull was queried into the tactics adopted upon the gelding in particular his decision to work forward and obtain the lead approaching the 1300m and the reasons for recording a quick third quarter of 27.1 seconds.Mr Turnbull advised after WATCHMEDAZZLE obtain the lead he was aware the gelding would obtain cover being up in grade and being the trainer of that runner, Mr Turnbull explained he had seen PAS DE CHEVAL progressing forward three (3) and wanted to obtain the lead in advance of the gelding as he felt JAYJAYBENNY best chance of winning was to keep PAS DE CHEVAL to his outside as Mr Turnbull advised JAYJAYBENNY had been going better than its forms suggested from awkward barriers on the smaller racing circuits where tonight the gelding had a more favourable barrier. Mr Turnbull advised JAYJAYBENNY was able to obtain the lead & setmoderate speed in recording the first half in 59.8 seconds. Mr Turnbull explained passing the 800mPAS DE CHEVAL commenced to apply pressure which was the main factor to the quick quarter being recorded as he was endeavouring to maintain a moderate speed. Mr Turnbull felt JAYJAYBENNY provide to be somewhat disappointing over the concluding after obtaining an easy first half of the event.Stewards noted the comments of Mr Turnbull. 

WATCHMEDAZZLE – ($1.70 Fav)Pre-race swab. Driver Jett Turnbull was queried into the tactics adopted upon the gelding in particular his decision to surrender the lead approaching the 1300m & the overall performance of the gelding which finished in 4th position beaten 5.2m. Mr Turnbull advised he was instructed to obtain cover on a suitable runner if challenged as WATCHMEDAZZLE has risen in class dramatically since joining the stable. Mr Turnbull added the gelding was driven in the same manner at Bathurst on 5th June 2024 as the gelding when leading in practically at Bathurst with the bigger racing surface the gelding is more exposed and can take charge and be unable to be rated correctly compared to the smaller racing circuits in the area were WATCHMEDAZZLE is able to lead and run quick sectionals. Trainer Nathan Turnbull confirmed the instructions & advised the gelding would continue to be driven in a similar manner going forward at Bathurst if circumstance permitted. Mr Jett Turnbull added the gelding though obtaining cover race fiercely and was satisfied in the manner the gelding finished off over the concluding stages as the gelding may not fully backed up from its prior start at Temora 23rd June when racing over the longer distance of 2386m. Upon consideration of the matter Stewards noted the comments of Nathan & Jett Turnbull in particular the gelding had been driven in the same manner on 5th June 2024 and advised connections they expect the gelding to be driven in same manner going forward.

OLD LUKE NZ – Post-race swab.

RACE 6 – LION NATHAN PACE – 1730 metres

General: The All Clear was delayed at the request of Driver Justin Reynolds (ALWAYSBMINNIE) 2nd past the post whom wished to view the photo finish of the event. After viewing the photo finish image Mr Reynolds was satisfied there was a margin to the winner and the All Clear was declared.

CHASE THE FEELING – Slow out & hung outwards after the start was effected despite the drivers efforts.

WEAREALLALONE – Tightened and contacted pegs entering the first turn whenDONT TELL PHYLLIS obtaining the lead. Inconvenienced approaching the 1300m whenDONT TELL PHYLLISbroke gait.  Post-race swab.

DONT TELL PHYLLIS – Broke gait clear of interference approaching the 1300m checking multiple runners to varying degrees. A warning was issued against the racing manners of DONT TELL PHYLLIS. Driver John O’Shea was issued a reprimand for tightening entering the first turn when crossing in advanced ofWEAREALLALONEwhich contacted marker pegs.

FREASON – Pulled hard during the early & middle stages of the event.

SONGBIRD NZ – Hung inwards under pressure inside the final 100m.

ALWAYSBMINNIE – Pre-race swab.

HAPPY REG –Inconvenienced after the start was effected when CHASE THE FEELINGwas slow to begin & hung outwards.

OLIVEIRA – Inconvenienced approaching the 1300m whenDONT TELL PHYLLISbroke gait.


LITTLE POPCORN – Pre-race swab. 

DONNIE MAC – Post-race swab. 

A LIL BIT OF LOVE –Broke gait during the early stages of the score up and was out of position when the start was effected. A warning was issued against the barrier manners of A LIL BIT OF LOVE. 


CINEMATIC – Pre-race swab.

SUSIEQ SHANNON – Over raced during the middle stages of the event. Held up during the early stages of the home straight.

PRINCESS LAYLA –Trainer Kelvin Winnell was fined the sum of $50 under AHR Rule 268A(1) for presenting the mare in gear which had not be declared.

TWO BLUES BLING – Post-race swab.

MATTEO – Held up over the latter stages of the event.




Race 6 – J O’Shea – Rule 163(1)(a) (iii)


Race 8 – K Winnell – Rule 268A(1)– $50



Barrier Information


Trials/Stand Down


Late Scratching


Adjourned Inquiries


Medical Clearance


Follow up’s


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