Stewards Report

Albion Park 16/07/2024

Albion Park Harness

Date: Tuesday, 16th July 2024

Track: Fast

Weather: Fine

Stewards Panel: M Greentree (Chairman) │ S Shinn │ W Barr │ J Cremin

Officials: Dr G Silvestri (Veterinarian) │ A Rayward (Judge) │ P Chilton (Assistant Judge) │ J Suli (Starter) │ J Petersen (Assistant Starter) │ L Chaplin (Sample Collection Official)


Hammer Son (Doug Lee) Galloped out at the start and a warning was placed on the gelding.

More Surprises (Darren McCall) Galloped out at the start taking no competitive part in the race and a warning was issued. Broke gait whilst tailed off near the 900metres and a warning was issued.

Bun In The Oven NZ (Zac Chappenden) Galloped out at the start taking no competitive part in the race and connections were advised the mare will continue to be placed right out of the draw in future standing start events until Stewards are satisfied it can perform in the desired manner. Broke free of interference turning into the back straight on the final occasion whilst tailed off and a warning was issued.

My Rumour Has It NZ (Brendan Barnes) Driver reprimanded body outside confines of sulky.

Panda Fooey (Angus Garrard) Galloped out at the start and a warning was placed on the gelding. Commenced a trailing three-wide run late from the rear of the field passing the 800metres.

Just Call Me Molly NZ (Mathew Neilson) Shifted wider on the track to avoid the galloping BUN IN THE OVEN NZ shortly after the start. Led the one-wide line prior to breaking gait free of interference racing out of the front straight on the first occasion and a warning was issued. Returned to a trot to lead the one-wide line before attaining one-out one-back cover from DHONI TROUBLE NZ (Nathan Dawson) near the 1100metres.

Dhoni Trouble NZ (Nathan Dawson) Improved three-wide during the middle stages, leaving a midfield trailing position passing the 1400metres, working forward to cross to the position outside the leader near the 1100metres.

Ignite (Narissa McMullen) Severely checked and broke gait shortly after the start as a result of galloping runners.

Im A Gypsy Queen (Chloe Butler) Shifted wider on the track to avoid galloping runners shortly after the start.

Flashy Seb (Ryan Veivers) Commenced a three-wide run late with no cover from a midfield trailing position leaving the 750metres prior to weakening over the concluding stages of the event.

Banff (Grant Dixon) Held-up rounding the final turn before obtaining clear running at the top of the home straight, finishing strongly in the run to the finish.  


Brendan Barnes, driver of MY RUMOUR HAS IT NZ was reprimanded under the provisions of AHR Rule 170 (2) for allowing his body to protrude outside the confines of the sulky.


Good Heart (Pete McMullen) Underwent a veterinary inspection prior to the start and was passed fit to take its place in the event.   

Utopia (Nathan Dawson) Caught-wide initially in the early stages of the event, working forward to obtain the position leading the one-wide line near the 1850metres before gaining one-out one-back cover from MY ULTIMATE EDDIE (Kelli Dawson) near the 1700metres.

My Ultimate Eddie (Kelli Dawson) Raced four-wide initially after the start before continuing forward three-wide in the early stages to attain the position outside the leader near the 1700metres, where raced for the remainder.

Cochy Malc NZ (Leonard Cain) Caught-wide in the early stages and after failing to obtain a more forward position in the event, the gelding was restrained however, broke gait free of interference near the rear of the field leaving the 1750metres and connections were advised a warning was issued.      

Double Helix (Daryl Crone) Out of position when the start was effected and driver was subsequently reprimanded.

Itsallandover (Angus Garrard) Held-up rounding the final turn before obtaining clear running upon straightening via the sprint lane in the run to the finish.  

Son Of A Sun NZ (Adam Sanderson) Placed extreme outside draw (EOD) after the gelding incurred a mobile starting offence after last start at Albion Park on 12th July 2024 and will start from outside the second row in the event. Out of position when the start was effected and connections were advised the gelding will continue to be placed outside the draw in future mobile start events until Stewards are satisfied SON OF A SUN NZ can perform in the desired manner.

Jansson NZ (Doug Hewitt) Reinstated in the barrier draw for races conducted under mobile start conditions after satisfying QRIC requirements with two(2) successful consecutive mobile starts.   


Daryl Crone, driver of DOUBLE HELIX was reprimanded under the provisions of AHR Rule 162 (1) (j) for failing to maintain position behind the starting gate until the start.

Race 3 - WOLF SIGNS 0 TO 2 WINS PACE     1660M  [MS]

Moretta (Adam Richardson) Caught-wide in the early stages and after failing to obtain a more forward position in the event, the mare was restrained into a rearward trailing position near the 1300metres.

Yella (Daryl Crone) Overraced and pulled hard during the middle stages whilst racing in a rearward marker line position.

Racana NZ (John Stariha) Utilized the sprint lane in the run to the finish.

Prospectus (Brendan Barnes) Paced roughly prior to breaking gait shortly after the start. Connections were advised PROSPECTUS will be excluded from the barrier draw in future mobile starts until Stewards are satisfied the mare can perform in the desired manner.

Cougar Express NZ (Nathan Dawson) Progressed through the field from its second row draw after the start, racing three-wide without cover in the early stages until working forward to cross to the position outside the leader near the 1250metres, where raced for the remainder.


Lulu Mae (Mathew Neilson) Caught-wide in the early stages before working forward to attain the position outside the leader leaving the 1750metres where raced up until yielding ground over the final 450metres of the event.  

Aurora Joy (Gemma Hewitt) Caught-wide in the early stages and was restrained to the rear of the field. Utilized the sprint lane in the run to the finish, finishing strongly to win the event.      

Scruffy NZ (Mitch Turnbull) Caught-wide in the early stages and after failing to obtain a more forward position in the event, the gelding was restrained to the rear of the field leaving the 1600metres.       

Cosmic Flyer (Narissa McMullen) Beaten for speed shortly after the start, settling in a three-back marker line position.

Its Back Page News NZ (John Stariha) Off-side sulky wheel contacted by WRITE ABOUT ANGUS NZ (Rhett Markey) shortly after the start. Inclined to hang-in at various stages throughout the run before yielding ground over the concluding stages of the event. Connections were advised a warning would be issued and to take corrective measures to ensure the horse races more truly.

Write About Angus NZ (Rhett Markey) Contacted the off-side wheel of ITS BACK PAGE NEWS NZ (John Stariha) and broke gait shortly after the start whilst restraining into a trailing position. Driver fined careless driving [AHRR168(1)(a)]. Commenced to tire from the 800metres, finishing a distant last, beaten in excess of 170metres. A post-race veterinary examination revealed the gelding to have bled from both nostrils. Under the provisions of AHRR101, WRITE ABOUT ANGUS NZ will be stood down from racing for a period of three(3) months, and until such time as the completion of one(1) satisfactory re-qualifying trial and a veterinary certificate of soundness is produced.  

Kowhai Blaze NZ (Brendan Barnes) Inclined to pull hard during the score-up, then continued to race keenly through the early and middle stages of the event whilst racing in a rearward trailing position.


Rhett Markey, driver of WRITE ABOUT ANGUS NZ was fined the sum of $100 under the provisions of AHR Rule 168 (1) (a) for allowing his drive to carelessly contact the off-side sulky wheel of ITS BACK PAGE NEWS NZ (John Stariha) whilst restraining into a trailing position shortly after the start resulting in WRITE ABOUT ANGUS NZ breaking gait.

Race 5 - RACING & SPORTS.COM PACE     1660M  [MS]

Delilah Rose (Narissa McMullen) Gate speed however, raced-wide in the early stages before being restrained into a one-out one-back trailing position.

Rock Hammer (Jack Chapple) Hung-out rounding the final turn, inconveniencing runners to its outside whilst commencing to weaken after leading and connections were advised a warning was issued and to take corrective measures to ensure the horse races more truly.

Mullum Ruby (Angus Garrard) Commenced to tire from the 700metres and was ultimately retired from the race by its driver. A post-race veterinary examination revealed the mare to have suffered atrial fibrillation. Under the provisions of AHRR101C (2), MULLUM RUBY will be stood down from racing for a period of fourteen(14) days and will require the horse to undergo an ECG with veterinary certificate prior to a trial and then trial to the satisfaction of the Stewards.

Mossman NZ (Seaton Grima) Failed to take part in the preliminary circle. Broke momentarily in the early stages of the score-up and was out of its allotted gate position at the candy pole. Connections were advised MOSSMAN NZ will continue to be placed outside of the draw in future mobile start events until Stewards are satisfied it can perform in the desired manner. Caught-wide in the early stages before being restrained into a rearward trailing position.

Timzee NZ (Nathan Dawson) Raced momentarily ungenerous and roughly in the latter stages of the score-up.

Bo Duke NZ (Mitch Turnbull) Utilized the sprint lane in the run to the finish.


Madam Maggie (Kelli Dawson) Inconvenienced passing the 50metres when placed in restricted racing room as a result of ART JESTER hanging-in.  

Makara NZ (Mitchell Cox) Hung-out in the latter stages of the score-up and connections were advised due to receiving a warning at its previous start, the gelding would be placed on its last chance in the draw in mobile start events.

Our George Boston (Doug Hewitt) Caught-wide in the early stages and after failing to obtain a more forward position in the event, the gelding was restrained to the rear of the field. 

Kash Us Back (Gemma Hewitt) Failed to obtain clear running in the home straight and was not fully tested to the line.      

Art Jester (Matt Elkins) Caught-wide in the early stages before being restrained into a rearward trailing position. Held-up in the early stages of the home straight before obtaining a run however, hung-in passing the 50metres, placing runners to its inside in restricted racing room in the run to the finish and connections were advised a warning would be placed on the gelding and to take corrective measures to ensure the horse races more truly.   

Scarlett May NZ (Grant Dixon) Reinstated in the barrier draw for races conducted under mobile start conditions after satisfying QRIC requirements with two(2) successful consecutive mobile starts.    

Full Brother (Leonard Cain) Contacted marker pegs and checked passing the 50meters after availing sprint lane when placed in restricted racing room as a result of ART JESTER hanging-in.


Despondent (Zac Chappenden) Successfully withstood a challenge for the lead from ALTA EQUUS (Doug Hewitt) in the early stages to lead the event.

Alta Equus (Doug Hewitt) Gate speed however, was unsuccessful in challenging for the lead in the early stages and as a result was obliged to race outside the leader until obtaining one-out one-back cover from COMMODORE JUJON (Jonah Hutchinson) leaving the 1350metres.

Commodore Jujon (Jonah Hutchinson) Gate speed however, raced-wide challenging for a forward position in the early stages before progressing forward to obtain the position outside the leader leaving the 1350metres, where raced up until gaining one-out one-back cover from TAIRLAW TOLL NZ (Pete McMullen) passing the 1000metres.

Tairlaw Toll NZ (Pete McMullen) Caught-wide shortly after the start before working forward three-wide in the early stages to attain the position outside the leader passing the 1000metres.

Rocktagonal (Matt Elkins) Utilized the sprint lane in the run to the finish.

Myra Dawn (Mitch Turnbull) Failed to obtain clear running in the home straight and was not fully tested to the line.

Rocks Or Diamonds (Justin Elkins) Held up at a vital stage in the early stages of the home straight before obtaining clear running late in the run to the finish.

Race 8 - BURWOOD STUD UP TO NR70 PACE     1660M  [MS]

Laurie Dee (Paula Sapio) Successfully withstood a challenge for the lead from ALTA SENSATION NZ (Adam Sanderson) in the early stages to lead the event.

Alta Sensation NZ (Adam Sanderson) Gate speed however, was unsuccessful in challenging for the lead in the early stages and as a result was restrained by its driver to obtain the position behind the leader.

Yesnomaybeso (Robert Morris) Gate speed however, was caught-wide in the early stages and after failing to obtain a more forward position in the event, the gelding was restrained into a rearward trailing position.      

Luvbite (Jack Chapple) Gate speed however, raced-wide in the early stages before continuing forward to obtain the position outside the leader near the 1300metres, where raced for the remainder.

Majic Moment NZ (Angus Garrard) Contacted and dislodged a marker peg near the 250metres when placed in restricted racing room.

Jungle Baby (Doug Hewitt) Marginally out of position when the start was effected. Connections were advised JUNGLE BABY would be placed on its last chance in the mobile barrier draw.

Uncle Miki (Nathan Dawson) Utilized the sprint lane in the run to the finish, finishing strongly into second place.

The Rainbow Beach (Mitch Turnbull) Commenced a three-wide run late with no cover from a midfield trailing position leaving the 700metres.


Rosarito (Nathan Rothwell) Hung-inwards whilst giving ground, resulting in the inside sulky wheel contacting and dislodging two(2) marker pegs leaving the 250metres and a warning was issued.

Archilles (Pete McMullen) Contacted and punctured the near-side sulky tyre of TRUMPYS LEGEND (Narissa McMullen) when availing the sprint lane in the run to the finish to win the event. Driver fined careless driving causing flat tyre [AHRR168(1)(a)].

Goodtime Cracker (Adam Richardson) Broke in the early stages of the score-up, however filled its allotted gate position prior to the candy pole. Commenced a three-wide run late with no cover from a midfield trailing position leaving the 750metres.

Trumpys Legend (Narissa McMullen) Led prior to sulky contacted by ARCHILLES (Pete McMullen) and a near-side flat tyre sustained when ARCHILLES availed the sprint lane in the run to the finish, placing the gelding at somewhat of a disadvantage over the concluding stages.

Botticelli (Adam Sanderson) Slow leaving the pre-race circle and through the early stages of the score-up before exerted by its driver to fill its allotted gate position, however was out of position when the start was effected before breaking gait shortly after the start. Connections were advised BOTTICELLI will be excluded from the barrier draw in races conducted under mobile start conditions until Stewards are satisfied the colt can perform in the desired manner.

Ideal Desire (Nathan Dawson)Inconvenienced shortly after the start as a result of BOTTICELLI breaking gait. Commenced a trailing three-wide run late from a rearward trailing position leaving the 750metres.

Sweetnspicy (Mathew Neilson)Inconvenienced shortly after the start as a result of BOTTICELLI breaking gait. Commenced a trailing three-wide run late from the rear of the field leaving the 750metres.


Pete McMullen, driver of ARCHILLES was fined the sum of $100 under the provisions of AHR Rule 168 (1) (a) for careless driving by allowing his gelding to contact and puncture the near-side sulky tyre of TRUMPYS LEGEND when availing the sprint lane in the run to the finish.

Swabs Samples Taken for Analysis;





R6       ESCOBAR NZ     





Race-day Summary;


R1       ALDEBARAN FONZ  –  Veterinary Reasons

R9       ANYONEWILLDO  –  Veterinary Reasons

Licensee Actions:

R1       BRENDAN BARNES (My Rumour Has It NZ)  -  reprimand  -  AHR Rule 170 (2)  body outside sulky

R2       DARYL CRONE (Double Helix)  -  reprimand  -  AHR Rule 162 (1) (j)  fail to maintain position until start

R4       RHETT MARKEY (Write About Angus NZ)  -  fined $100  -  AHR Rule 168 (1) (a)  careless causing flat tyre

R9       PETE MCMULLEN (Archilles)  -  fined $100  -  AHR Rule 168 (1) (a)  careless causing flat tyre

Animal Actions:

R2       JANSSON NZ    -    BMD

R3       PROSPECTUS    -    ODM


R5       MULLUM RUBY    -    AF  [SD14D  SDVETS  SDECG  SD1T]

R6       SCARLETT MAY NZ    -    BMD

R9       BOTTICELLI    -    ODM

The matters contained within this Stewards report may be subject to external review.  The Racing Appeals Panel manages external reviews, and the Racing Appeals Panel publishes its decisions on its website.
This report and the Stewards Comments for this meeting may be amended at any time, at the sole discretion of the Queensland Racing Integrity Commission (QRIC) Stewards as races are reviewed.

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