SA Trots - O Trotta - Stay of Penalty

05 April 2024

"In this matter, Mr Trotta, the Appellant, has been found by HRSA Stewards to have breached Rule 231 in two instances and consequently has been sentenced to a disqualification for a period of 14 months (effectively).

Mr Trotta has appealed against the severity of his penalty and sought a stay of penalty pending the hearing of his Appeal.

HRSA Stewards have opposed the granting of a stay.

In light of the severity of the sentence and the immediate impact of enforcement of the penalty, I grant a stay.

I understand that the Tribunal can convene for hearing of the Appeal on Tuesday 16 April 2024 , and I give the following orders:

  1. This Appeal be listed for hearing on the morning of Tuesday, 16 April 2024.  (The Registrar to confirm the time of commencement.)
  2. A Stay of Proceedings be granted until midnight on 16 April 2024.
  3. Liberty is granted to the Stewards to apply at short notice to have the stay lifted, if, in their opinion, the conduct of the Appellant between now and the hearing of the Appeal warrants such an application."
  4. Should the hearing be delayed through the unavailability of either the Appellant or his representative, the Tribunal will revisit the grant of the stay of penalty upon application.

M King

Deputy President SARAT

4 April 2024

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