Race Fields
Mildura , VIC (Night) - Wednesday, 15 Jan 2025
Race 1 | PACE | 5:08 PM |
NR 50 to 55. * Concession Driver Claims do not apply. * Mares Allowance does not apply. PBD/NR/L4$. Prizemoney: $6,000 | ||
Form | Horse | Trainer | Other Eng. | Driver | Class  | Hcp | |||
1 | 57736 | DANNY RAY (Em 1) | N Kerr | Lochie Cook (C) | NR50 | FR- | |||
2 | 14643 | GLITZY ALL OVER | D J Weinert | Luke Watson | NR42 (A50) | FR1 | |||
3 | 14427 | YOU LITTLE TERROR | D J Weinert | Brent Murphy (C) | NR46 (A50) | FR2 | |||
4 | 53414 | RUBBLEONTHEDOUBLE | S M Osborn | Lochie Cook (C) | NR51 | FR3 | |||
5 | 31197 | CALF PEN NZ | A P Vozlic | Ryan Sanderson (C) | NR51 | FR4 | |||
6 | 55254 | IM STUCK MAN | J L Gadsden | Connor Clarke (C) | NR52 | FR5 | |||
---------- Second Row ---------- | |||||||||
7 | 17924 | EASTBRO JESSE | J B Tormey | Ellen Tormey | NR52 | SR1 | |||
8 | 63258 | FLAME BLASTER | R J Nolan | NR52 | SR2 | ||||
9 | 65123 | OZZIE DAYBREAK | N L Cameron | Corey Johnson (C) | NR52 | SR3 | |||
10 | 252s1 | TERROR THE CHRISTIAN NZ | A W Coad | Wayne Hill | NR53 | SR4 | |||
11 | s9448 | LE SPARTACUS | F C Cavallaro | Ryan Backhouse (C) | NR54 | SR5 |
Race 2 | PACE | 5:43 PM |
NR up to 49. * Field will be selected in ascending order by Field Selection Points (Lowest to Highest). * If multiple divisions are conducted races will be divided on NR. * Concession Driver Claims and Mares Allowance apply only within the barrier draw, not for eligibility purposes. PBD/NR. Prizemoney: $4,000 | ||
Form | Horse | Trainer | Other Eng. | Driver | Class  | Hcp | |||
1 | 43432 | COURTNEY KATARINA | M M Riseley | Corey Johnson (C) | NR41 (A36) | FR1 | |||
2 | 82224 | ROBERT CROCKA | A P Vozlic | Ryan Sanderson (C) | NR39 | FR2 | |||
3 | 96351 | NIGHT SAFARI | M M Riseley | Connor Clarke (C) | NR40 | FR3 | |||
4 | 55617 | DARK SANDS | A P Vozlic | Wayne Hill | NR40 | FR4 | |||
5 | 26154 | EGBERT | S M Osborn | Ryan Backhouse (C) | NR40 | FR5 | |||
6 | 03225 | GUYS BETTOR BET | D T Nunn | Brent Murphy (C) | NR40 | FR6 | |||
---------- Second Row ---------- | |||||||||
7 | 4467s | LILBITAHENRYTEE | K M Attard | Ellen Tormey | NR41 | SR1 | |||
8 | 92171 | KEAYANG CRIPPA | L Watson | Kathy Watson | NR42 | SR2 | |||
9 | 43145 | BEARTASTIC WRITER | B Tune | Lochie Cook (C) | NR42 | SR3 | |||
10 | 0rs69 | MISS LILLIROMAR | F A Weston | ODM | NR43 (A38) | SR4 |
Race 3 | MAIDEN PACE | 6:16 PM |
MAIDEN. * Restricted to horses with nil lifetime wins. * Concession Driver Claims do not apply. * Mares Allowance does not apply. RBD. Prizemoney: $6,000 | ||
Form | Horse | Trainer | Other Eng. | Driver | Class  | Hcp | |||
1 | 98365 | OUR BIG DRAMAQUEEN | L Watson | Kathy Watson | NR47 | FR1 | |||
2 | 63756 | MUSTANG DAISY | J L Gadsden | Brent Murphy (C) | NR40 | FR2 | |||
3 | 3s522 | WHATS GLENDA GOT | S J Hardy | Wayne Hill | NR49 | FR3 | |||
4 | 60s39 | KALKADOON DREAMING | S J Rains | Scott Rains | NR43 | FR4 | |||
5 | 65243 | CAPTAINS DREAM | N Kerr | Lochie Cook (C) | NR45 | FR5 | |||
6 | 59048 | HEART OF OAKLANDS | M M Riseley | Connor Clarke (C) | NR30 | FR6 | |||
---------- Second Row ---------- | |||||||||
7 | 98s89 | ALLGOOD VINNIE (Em 1) | S R Garraway | Ryan Backhouse (C) | NR46 | SR- | |||
8 | 37748 | NANNA HELEN | A W Coad | Luke Dunne (C) | NR43 | SR1 | |||
9 | 47s7 | ELISSAS DELIGHT | S R Garraway | Ellen Tormey | NR48 | SR2 | |||
10 | 47 | HELENS BOY | A P Vozlic | Ryan Sanderson (C) | NR49 | SR3 | |||
11 | 98663 | DIAMOND KRUSHER | A P Vozlic | Ryan Backhouse (C) | NR40 | SR4 |
Race 4 | PACE | 6:45 PM |
NR up to 49. * Field will be selected in ascending order by Field Selection Points (Lowest to Highest). * If multiple divisions are conducted races will be divided on NR. * Concession Driver Claims and Mares Allowance apply only within the barrier draw, not for eligibility purposes. PBD/NR. Prizemoney: $4,000 | ||
Form | Horse | Trainer | Other Eng. | Driver | Class  | Hcp | |||
1 | 62325 | MISS ARTEMIS | N Kerr | Lochie Cook (C) | NR43 (A38) | FR1 | |||
2 | 97s67 | ORAMA | S R Garraway | Ryan Backhouse (C) | NR45 (A40) | FR2 | |||
3 | 34516 | CHEERS POVERTY | A P Vozlic | Wayne Hill | NR43 | FR3 | |||
4 | 276s6 | MACHSTIQUE | D B McInnes | Ryan Sanderson (C) | NR44 | FR4 | |||
5 | 0s673 | SUPER DRY | M L Honson | Corey Johnson (C) | NR44 | FR5 | |||
6 | s5989 | FOUR MENS FOLLY | M M Riseley | Connor Clarke (C) | NR44 | FR6 | |||
---------- Second Row ---------- | |||||||||
7 | 64425 | HESASTAR | A P Vozlic | Ryan Sanderson (C) | NR45 | SR1 | |||
8 | 570s8 | MIDNIGHT PIRATE | F C Cavallaro | Luke Watson | NR45 | SR2 | |||
9 | 79s67 | OZZIES WATCHING | M D Retallick | Kathy Watson | NR46 | SR3 | |||
10 | 9758s | LOYOLA ROCKNROLLA | D T Nunn | Brent Murphy (C) | RODM | NR46 | SR4 |
Race 5 | PACE | 7:13 PM |
NR 60 to 79. * Concession Driver Claims and Mares Allowance apply only within the barrier draw, not for eligibility purposes. PBD/NR/L4$. Prizemoney: $7,000 | ||
Form | Horse | Trainer | Other Eng. | Driver | Class  | Hcp | |||
1 | 15874 | ONLY ONCE BITTEN NZ | A P Vozlic | Ryan Sanderson (C) | NR62 (A60) | FR1 | |||
2 | 65311 | LOUIEVILLE | S M O'Connor | Wayne Hill | NR61 | FR2 | |||
3 | 7688s | SHADOW TERROR | R D O'Brien | Corey Johnson (C) | NR63 | FR3 | |||
4 | 57753 | CAULONIA TERROR | L Watson | Luke Watson | NR65 | FR4 | |||
5 | 55784 | CEMETERY BAY | A R MacDonald | Luke Dunne (C,3) | NR70 (A67) | FR5 | |||
6 | s3321 | KEAYANG MOROCCAN | L Watson | Luke Watson | NR67 | FR6 | |||
---------- Second Row ---------- | |||||||||
7 | 26066 | ANGUS INDIANA | S J Rains | Scott Rains | NR73 | SR1 | |||
8 | 89147 | TWISTED BLISS | J B Tormey | Ellen Tormey | NR78 (A73) | SR2 | |||
9 | 00754 | RIO ROCK | S R Garraway | Ryan Backhouse (C) | NR79 (A74) | SR3 |
Race 6 | PACE | 7:40 PM |
NR 55 to 60. * Concession Driver Claims do not apply. * Mares Allowance does not apply. PBD/L4$. Prizemoney: $6,000 | ||
Form | Horse | Trainer | Other Eng. | Driver | Class  | Hcp | |||
1 | 6s880 | A ROCKNROLL JET | G F Living | Ryan Sanderson (C) | NR60 | FR1 | |||
2 | 50646 | STARVIN MARVIN NZ | N L Cameron | Corey Johnson (C) | NR57 | FR2 | |||
3 | 47735 | NOBLE TRICK | I K Watson | Luke Watson | NR55 | FR3 | |||
4 | 6s322 | BRUISED EGO | J B Tormey | Ellen Tormey | NR59 | FR4 | |||
5 | 77417 | AVOCA BLUES | S R Garraway | Ryan Backhouse (C) | NR55 | FR5 | |||
6 | 43155 | AMYS BABY ANGEL | N Kerr | Lochie Cook (C) | NR57 | FR6 | |||
---------- Second Row ---------- | |||||||||
7 | 31256 | SIANGDI | F C Mercieca | Luke Dunne (C) | NR56 | SR1 | |||
8 | 12613 | LETSGO BIG GIRL | A W Coad | Wayne Hill | ODM | NR59 | SR2 |
Race 7 | PACE | 8:12 PM |
NR up to 49. * Field will be selected in ascending order by Field Selection Points (Lowest to Highest). * If multiple divisions are conducted races will be divided on NR. * Concession Driver Claims and Mares Allowance apply only within the barrier draw, not for eligibility purposes. PBD/NR. Prizemoney: $4,000 | ||
Form | Horse | Trainer | Other Eng. | Driver | Class  | Hcp | |||
1 | 83468 | RAINBOW RAIN | S M O'Connor | Brent Murphy (C,5) | NR38 (A33) | FR1 | |||
2 | 214r9 | UNETHICAL | S M Osborn | Wayne Hill | NR39 (A34) | FR2 | |||
3 | 38682 | VILLAGE LOVER | M L Honson | Ryan Sanderson (C) | NR34 | FR3 | |||
4 | 68575 | IMPETUOSO | A F Grasso | Ryan Backhouse (C) | NR34 | FR4 | |||
5 | 79007 | REAL DASH NZ | F A Weston | NR35 | FR5 | ||||
6 | 6s27s | HARRY MCKINNIS | C J O'Brien | Dean Peters | NR37 | FR6 | |||
---------- Second Row ---------- | |||||||||
7 | 41886 | DES TROY | M M Riseley | Connor Clarke (C) | NR37 | SR1 | |||
8 | 64373 | STONEBRIDGE STAR | L Watson | Kathy Watson | NR37 | SR2 | |||
9 | 21s06 | PUNTO CALIENTE | L Watson | NR38 | SR3 | ||||
10 | 60376 | JOLEANER | F A Weston | ODM | NR35 (A30) | SR4 |
Race 8 | PACE | 8:43 PM |
NR up to 49. * Field will be selected in ascending order by Field Selection Points (Lowest to Highest). * If multiple divisions are conducted races will be divided on NR. * Concession Driver Claims and Mares Allowance apply only within the barrier draw, not for eligibility purposes. PBD/NR. Prizemoney: $4,000 | ||
Form | Horse | Trainer | Other Eng. | Driver | Class  | Hcp | |||
1 | 27923 | DAYLIGHT | F P Posgate | Corey Johnson (C) | NR46 (A41) | FR1 | |||
2 | 4868s | RAYS DAUGHTER | F C Mercieca | Wayne Hill | NR47 (A42) | FR2 | |||
3 | 21s8s | GOOD BOOTS BINDI | R J Nolan | Ellen Tormey | NR48 (A43) | FR3 | |||
4 | 51356 | KEEP BETTING | M M Riseley | Connor Clarke (C) | NR48 (A43) | FR4 | |||
5 | 21582 | DEEWHY | A R MacDonald | Luke Dunne (C,3) | NR47 (A44) | FR5 | |||
6 | 05279 | APOLOGY ACCEPTED | A P Vozlic | Ryan Sanderson (C) | NR48 | FR6 | |||
---------- Second Row ---------- | |||||||||
7 | 33215 | SUNSHINE WARRIOR | A P Vozlic | Ryan Sanderson (C) | NR49 | SR1 | |||
8 | 87336 | OUR MASTER PLAY | A P Vozlic | Ryan Sanderson (C) | NR49 | SR2 | |||
9 | s9898 | TOO THE MAX | M M Riseley | Mark Riseley (C) | NR49 | SR3 |
Race 9 | PACE | 9:12 PM |
NR up to 49. * Field will be selected in ascending order by Field Selection Points (Lowest to Highest). * If multiple divisions are conducted races will be divided on NR. * Concession Driver Claims and Mares Allowance apply only within the barrier draw, not for eligibility purposes. PBD/NR. Prizemoney: $4,000 | ||
Form | Horse | Trainer | Other Eng. | Driver | Class  | Hcp | |||
1 | 00266 | THE TOOTH FAIRY | M M Riseley | Wayne Hill | NR30 | FR1 | |||
2 | 70852 | PRIORITY BETTING | A F Grasso | Ryan Backhouse (C) | NR30 | FR2 | |||
3 | 78796 | ROCKING WROXTON | C J O'Brien | Corey Johnson (C) | NR30 | FR3 | |||
4 | 78499 | ALIENFROMARMSTRONG | J L Kerridge | Connor Clarke (C) | NR30 | FR4 | |||
5 | 97499 | ROCKNROLL RANGER | D T Nunn | Luke Dunne (C) | NR30 | FR5 | |||
6 | 47747 | OUTA CONTROL | M J Francis | Michael Francis | NR30 | FR6 | |||
---------- Second Row ---------- | |||||||||
7 | 28594 | STEAL SOME TIME | S M O'Connor | Brent Murphy (C) | NR30 | SR1 | |||
8 | s9353 | MUSTANG MAX | J L Gadsden | Lochie Cook (C) | NR32 | SR2 | |||
9 | 23842 | CRUZ WITH ROME | J Garnaut | Ryan Sanderson (C) | NR33 | SR3 | |||
10 | 999s8 | HES A MODERN BOY | E J Sparkes | Ellen Tormey | NR34 | SR4 |